Leio. Releio. Volto a ler. Viro páginas. Avanço linhas.
Palavras minhas eu assino, dos outros eu transcrevo, dum passado que não teve futuro, dum presente que nunca exi stiu.
Frases que me fazem sorrir, outras que me inundam o olhar.
Histórias que fazem a minha história, remotas ou recentes, e que por muitas letras que destrua ficarão sempre na memória.


Desejo a você total liberdade para que rasgue páginas neste espaço. Rasgar, romper, transformar algo em outro novo, mesmo que a si mesmo.
A vida é uma sucessão de rasgos, remendos, feituras e escolhas.
Esteja LIVRE!

terça-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2007

2007, que seja ... O ANO!!!

After years of expensive education,

a car full of books and anticipation,

I’m an expert on Shakespeare

and that’s a hell of a lot

but the world don't need scholars

as much as I thought.

Maybe I'll go travelling for a year,

finding myself or start a career.

I could work for the poor though

I’m hungry for fame

we all seem so different

but we're just the same.

Maybe I'll go to the gym,

so I don't get fat,

aren't things more easy with a tight six pack?

Who knows the answers?

Who do you trust?

I can't even separate love from lust.

Maybe I’ll move back home and pay off my loans,

working nine to five answering phones.

Don't make me live for my friday nights,

drinking eight pints and getting in fights. I

don't want to get up,

just let me lie in,

leave me alone,

I'm a twenty something.

Maybe I'll just fall in love that could solve it all,

philosophers say that that’s enough, there surely must be more.


Love ain’t the answer nor is work,

the truth eludes me so much it hurts.

But I’m still having fun and I guess that's the key,

I'm a twenty something

and I'll keep being me.

doh dah duh dah,

do duh dah dah dahdoh dah duh dah,

do duh dah dah dahdoh dah duh dah,

do duh dah dah dahdoh dah duh dah,

do duh dah dah dah

I’m a twenty something.

Let me lie in,

Leave me alone.

I’m a twenty something.

doh dah duh dah,

do duh dah dah dahdoh dah duh dah,

do duh dah dah dahdoh dah duh dah,

do duh dah dah dahdoh dah duh dah,

do duh dah dah dah

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